Photography By Matthew Takes |
Dear Afrikan Girl,
This is a rant. #postandelete | #sorrynotsorry Let’s get petty betty.
I “perceive” that it is a sin to have big boobs ( . Y . ) according to some people in this world. To others, not wearing a bra is an even bigger sin; one punishable with jibe like “loose woman”, “slut”, and “whore”.
Photo Credit : Beyonce Knowles from |
So, I am currently on vacation. I visited the beautiful bay cities of San José, Tracy, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Oakland among others last weekend. In positive summer spirit, I DECIDED to wear this silky flowery dress from Privilege Paris Clothing; because it was light and comfortable! The weather was literally 105°F (40.5°C)!
A day or two later, I posted a picture on
social media, like I usually do.
Screen Comment from my Facebook Fan Page. |
And some of the comments underneath the
photograph really appalled me, to the point
where I had to address my rant on this outlet.
Screen Comment from my Facebook Fan Page.This tries to throw shade on my youth mentorship program in Cameroon. |
Screen Comment from my Facebook Fan Page. |
This one literally calls me
“less than a woman”. Really Romain?
Screen Comment from my Facebook Fan Page. |
This one asks me if “exposing my breast”
( . Y . ) makes me beautiful. 😳😳
Screen Comment from my Facebook Fan Page. |
Screen Comment from my Facebook Fan Page. |
@Jimmy, like WTF Just happened? 😳😳
Then, look at this one:
Screen Comment from my Facebook Fan Page. |
Truth is, not all the comments were bad;
others favored the photograph, makeup or my skin.
But you can imagine my amazement… that some people really
Genuinely think this way in 2016.
That I “intentionally” “expose” my body
for a man’s pleasure.
Look at this guy:
“No one should hide behind summer to give a
rationale for this pic. It’s intentional”.
Kindly Get outta here with that
sexist bullsh*t!
sexist bullsh*t!
I love my fans. I appreciate them, and
I am all about a diversity of opinion and viewpoints.
However, fan or not, I do not allow B.S in my
personal space; including MY page.
My 44K+ Facebook following wasn’t built overnight. While it is an up-and-coming following, Its been cultivated over the years, mostly comprising of friends and fans
who align with the values that I stand for. A big one is RESPECT.
I don’t condone anyone’s need to make
Another feel some type of way about them being
confident about their natural bodies,
skin, hair or figure.
And so I am going to call out this use of shame to control women and
explain the breast-shaming culture to you; and why it is wrong.
While I don’t expect you to necessarily understand,
or agree with me
On this particular topic,
I openly invite people with myopic, sexist mindsets like this
To kindly unfollow or block my page.
*Do not confuse my outspokenness with rudeness.
Because I WILL NOT change how I dress.
Neither will I get a breast reduction or wear a jacket all day
To make anyone feel better about themselves.
And, to the one who asks about my mentorship of children,
If my C cup is the reason why you question my mentorship abilities,
then that is something you will have to
make peace with, because I
will not stop anytime soon.
Now that I have said that, and it is off my chest;
let me teach you a thing or two about breast shaming...
“With depressing regularity, I meet people who 'can’t get past my breasts,'" Rowan Martin writes in the Guardian.
celebs are going braless in public: Halle Berry, Sharon Stone,
Gwyneth Paltrow, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus,
Photo Credit: Pinterest |
Lady Gaga, and Selena Gomez ...
Hundreds of college students and working-class women
in metropolitan cities like New York and
Los Angeles are marching
breast shaming and sexual objectification of women’s bodies.
So what is breast shaming?
Hating on a woman because her breasts are
“too exposed”, “too saggy”, “too long”, “too fat”, “too small”, “too flat”,
Photo: Ngozi |
“too fake”, “too real”, “she is breastfeeding in public”,
“too round”, “big nips”,
“small nips”, “pointy”, “round”!
News flash: Boobs exist.
Deal with it! Jeez-sauce!
It starts when we are growing up as young girls.
If we had big boobs, we slouched in our posture, and
wore oversized clothes because we felt ashamed of our bodies.
If we tried to own our body; if we wore fitting clothes,
When you have big boobs, some men ONLY see that whenever they look at you. It is a blessing and a curse. Others literally expect you to wear a long sleeve jacket and scarf to validate their opinion of what it means to be a “decent” woman.
Some people literally wrote negative comments about women “exposing ” themselves by wearing a bikini ON THE BEACH!
And it truly makes me wonder, what is going on here.
Maybe it is just really hot.
This shame was based on how heavily women’s bodies
– especially our breasts, if we have them
– are sexualized in the United States.
My shame had become so habitual
and second nature that I hardly even noticed it.
- Source: Everyday Feminism
Maybe everyone is not
“trying to seduce you”
Maybe I am just wearing my dress because it is hot!
Maybe I love the dress!
- “Don’t be ashamed of how curvy your body looks naturally. It is not your problem, if someone feels uncomfortable because of the
way God made you.”
2. “ Stand up for yourself. Don’t let any type of bully force their opinion on you. This is not being rude. It’s called standing up for yourself. ”
3. Respect, and appreciate those who understand you, and leave out those who don’t.
4. You can’t please everyone.
Oh! And shout out to Emmauel, the guy who wrote the last comment:
“ We've heard you!
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#oldseason: W A T C H - H E R E:
W I N - o u r- S O U B A - P i l l o w : #thatsoubalife |
#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H:)
S U B M I T - Y O U R - P R O D U C T - F O R - R E V I E W - H E R E :
Subject: Blog Review |
#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H
W I N - o u r- S O U B A - P i l l o w : #thatsoubalife |
Ha ha ha | There is way more where this came from
R E A D or W A T C H
R E A D or W A T C H
M y
A r t i c l e s,
a n d - o r
V I D E O S | o n S n a p c h a t ( @sahndrafondufe) + Y o u t u b e
[S u b s c r i b i n g - i s - F r e e- o-o ] 👈🏾
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T h e
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i Y o u q u e e n s - so - so much | #souba
R e m a i n - Y o u n g - E m p o w e r e d - F o c u s e d- O r i g i n a l - N u r t u r i n g
CONVERSATION . . . | Please Leave Comments Below + S U B S C R I B E
i Y o u q u e e n s - so - so much | #souba
R e m a i n - Y o u n g - E m p o w e r e d - F o c u s e d- O r i g i n a l - N u r t u r i n g
#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H
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Sahndra Fon Dufe
A r e - Y o u - o n - S o c i a l - M e d i a - Q U E E N?
L e t 's C o n n e c t - G i r l !!!
L I K E - M Y- P A G E - |
W E - A R E - T W E E T I N G - G I R L - |
W E - F O L L O W- B A C K : |
D A I L Y - Q U E E N - T I P S : @sahndrafondufe D M :) |
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