Friday, August 26, 2016

My Obsession with Choker Necklaces


Photo collage of My Choker Collection made from iPhone app: PhotoGrid


Dear Afrikan Girl, It's almost Friday! Yay! Yay!
Let’s talk about Chokers, a.k.a “dog collars”.
According to, these  necklaces were once
considered silly accessories like fanny packs and jelly shoes .

Celebs in the 90's wearing Chokers | Photo: Getty Images.
Chokers have always "stood for something".
This article shows how they how
symbolic they've been; (at different historical periods),
representing everything from revolutionaries, royalty, ballerinas,
wealth and even "kept women" at one point. Souba!

Credit: Buzzfeed/ Elle.
They soon became a trend with the rise to fame of the "pentagram choker"
from epic Wiccan-friendly movies like The Craft, Practical Magic,
starring Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock; Eve's Bayou
starring Samuel L Jackson, and eventually, the mega famous Harry Potter, and Twilight series.

Beyonce Knowles stacks on chokers for her new song "Formation"

Photo credit: Pinterest 
This once S&M emblem has become the daring stylist’s ris·qué
way of adding edge to the sultry looks of their celeb clientele
like Kendall Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Serayah, & Riri.



According to, Everyone!

Chokers on the runway!

Lanvin, Elie Saab, Rudsak, and Victoria's Secret  | IMAGE: Getty Images.

On the Red Carpet!

Kim Kardashian West, Vanessa Hudgens, Karrueche Tran and Olivia Wilde | Pic: GETTY

Even men! Souba! #thatsoubalife

Rynshu, J.W. Anderson, Dries Van Noten, Louis Vuitton | Photo: Getty Images

And my personal faves!
the President 's Dawta's Sasha Obama and her sis Malia.

Credit: Splash News Online (2)

Pic: Getty Images



At this point, you realize I am obsessed!
I genuinely appreciate the "edge"
that these neck clenchers add to my style.
Without much ado, let’s go over
my favorite looks
And, you can totally #grabmylook (s)   


Photo Taken By iPhone6 S +

Let's visit the other looks ...

Kris Connor | GETTY
We all know this look!
Every choker lover has a basic
black fitted one made of velvet.

This simple gothic velvet choker is so retro;
Match this with anything to add
an effortless edge to your look.
#snagmylook: PRICE: $3.99 Tilly's (instore) $8.50
2. All String. No Base

Hi Keke, looks like it's Throw Back Friday
and we are twinning today girl...
Tattoo chokers totally used to be a thing in the 90s!

#snagmylook: PRICE: $0.21 Etsy $3.90 Forever 21
3. Power to the People!
Introducing The Queen of Nubia!
With a necklace like this, you don't
have to do the talking at any event.
All types of tribal handmade goodness!

#snagmylook: PRICE: $279 Instagram DM : @georgiajaneoffcial  Mention Sahndra Fon Dufe and get $50 off. 


4. All Necks Matter...
This silver clear chunky silver cut out necklace is life.

#snagmylook: Can't find the exact one anymore  Sorry :( Forever 21 ran out.
5) Vintage 3 Piece?

This 3 piece set vintage style chain is $2. Literally.
Check out the peace sign on the pendant,
and stone charm...

Taken From My iPhone 6S Plus | $2  

#snagmylook: PRICE: $6.90 | Forever 21 

6) Oops! Gothika!
This gothic chord choker charm
retro necklace is made with
faux leather and I absolutely it!

#snagmylook: $1

7) Pearls on me!
This is definitely the type of necklace
that can "class up" any outfit,
and I adore it on my white cardigan.

#snagmylook: PRICE: $2.69 Alibaba
8)Chunky Goldie...
Queens, You all own this one! It's chunky,
its gold plated and absolutely fabulous!

#snagmylook: $7.69
9) Valentine Potion:

I am so in with this gothic velvet heart crystal choker handmade
Necklace pendant retro 80 90s for $2

#snagmylook: $5 Sale Garage Clothing
10) That's so French
I love that's its a vintage cream ribbon with a victorian
French "toilette" pendant hanging from it.

#snagmylook: PRICE: $17 Art of Adornment
Iman's Photograph is By John Para | Getty
11) All hail Nubia!
This was a gift from Mama :)

#snagmylook: PRICE: $55 ?
12) Silver Tusk...
No neck, no shame! This is my go to
look for dramatization of any outfit like this
plain black jumpsuit.

#snagmylook: $21.95 Unique Costume Jewelry
13. Mix n Match Girl!
You have to! Sometimes, or else you
get stuck with the "I've worn this one many times" face.
I am a repeat offender.
So, when I can, I mix...

I Matched the pendant with my gold bohemian 
 bead charm double layer necklace.

I added this multilayer punk gold angel wing arrow collar 
pendant chain charm necklace to my frenchie look.

#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H 


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#oldseason:  W A T C H - H E R E:

W I N - o u r- S O U B A - P i l l o w : #thatsoubalife

#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H:)


S U B M I T - Y O U R - P R O D U C T - F O R - R E V I E W - H E R E :
Subject: Blog Review |
#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H 

W I N - o u r- S O U B A - P i l l o w : #thatsoubalife


Ha ha ha | There is way more where this came from
R E A D or W A T C H
M y
A r t i c l e s,
a n d - o r
V I D E O S  | o n S n a p c h a t ( @sahndrafondufe) + Y o u t u b e  
[S u b s c r i b i n g - i s - F r e e- o-o ] 👈🏾
T h e n
T h e
CONVERSATION . . . | Please Leave Comments Below + S U B S C R I B E
    Y o u  q u e e n s - so - so much | #souba 
R e m a i n - Y o u n g - E m p o w e r e d - F o c u s e d- O r i g i n a l - N u r t u r i n g

#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H 
 Shop my Store: | #iamyefon
Sahndra Fon Dufe


       A r e - Y o u - o n - S o c i a l - M e d i a - Q U E E N?
        L e t 's C o n n e c t - G i r l !!!   

S U B S C R I B E - 

L I K E - M Y- P A G E - 

 W E - A R E - T W E E T I N G - G I R L -
W E - F O L L O W- B A C K : 
 D A I L Y - Q U E E N - T I P S : @sahndrafondufe D M :)
 D A I L Y- S N A P- D E V O T I O N : @sahndrafondufe

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