Monday, October 2, 2017

Pray for Cameroon (Peace and Healing)

Dear Conscious Mind,
I wish you peace and love from the divine mind.
Happy new month of October, and Happy Monday!
As we start this new week, let's reflect on the times.
Even the most neutral lens will perceive a global
wave of chaos sweeping the streets of planet earth.
From 50 innocent people randomly killed in Vegas last night,
to the four major hurricanes — Category 3 or greater 
in 2017, ( the 17th deadliest hurricane season since 1900.)
to Trump's constant ridiculous tweets

political unrest, power struggle in Cameroon, 
with schools closed, in some regions,
loss of lives, general turbulence and fear.
With each step, daily, 
we globally invite 
the dark horse.

And so, I sit back
and wonder. In such a metaphysical struggle,
which masks itself as a physical one,
I'd like to call upon several light beings from all the corners
of the planet, North, South, East, West and within,
to join me in steadfast meditation, fasting and prayer.
This is not about what denomination you belong to,
or what god* you serve. 
This is also not about taking sides.
Its an honest call for
collective willpower and thought towards
universal and national peace. 

Source: Aljazeera 

Join me, thus, in this prayer:


Credit: US Black Art.


God. Father. Master of truth. 
Bearer of light; you've been called by many names.
(enter name you use). We pray for universal healing,
especially in my country Cameroon.
We pray for the power to be gentle;
the strength to be forgiving;
the patience to be understanding;
and the endurance to accept the
consequences of holding to what
we believe to be right.

We put our trust in the power of good, to overcomeevil, and the power to overcome hatred.
We pray for the vision to see, and the faith
to believe in a world
emancipated from violence,
a new world where fear shall no longer
lead men to commit injustice,
nor selfishness make them 
bring suffering to others.

Credit: Pinterest

I pray for students in Cameroon.
They have been out of school for ...
small business owners, hard working men
and women of good faith who cannot 
support their families
because they fear for their security.

Art: Henry Battle. On sale here.
Help us devote our whole life, and thought
and energy, to the task of making peace,
playing always for the inspiration
and the power to fulfill
the destiny for which we, and all men
were created.


God bless all of you.
Thank you for time.
God loves you, and so do I.

Until next time...
Sahndra Fon Dufe | @sahndrafondufe ❤

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