Photo Credit: National Review |
It’s election day! You are tired of corrupt politicians,
and pro-psych drugs, yet you would support a married
man, who was caught on tape discussing a woman’s
private parts in terms, as crude as an untapped oil on a distant
Photo Credit: Washington Post |
He can get any woman
he wants because "he is famous".
Clearly, because he 'scored' this Russian beauty
who decided to plagiarize Michelle
Obama's speech.
She is 24 years younger than he is.
(all types of tea sippin')
Photo Credit: GQ Magazine |
You know how brash and direct he is about his
He thinks all Mexicans
are criminals, and Muslims should be
banned from America.
Oust the minority religion or population.
“Make America great again”.
Hm, sounds like a direct slogan out of Nazi's
infamous leader Adolf Hitler,
Photo Credit: The Huffington Post |
who almost
wiped out an entire race in order to maintain a
"pure" race; only this time, the speaker
wears an unconvincing blonde wig ,
and owns a Twitter account.
Photo Credit: New York Observer |
That is beside the point.
The truth is, politics is a dirty game.
Photo credit: |
Both candidates are puppets for the ideologies
Both have falsified data, however,
big or small to be
big or small to be
at this level in the “game”. Facts.
Photo credit: Untapped Cities |
serve the elite, and lie to get what they want,
just like you use a fake name on Tinder,
and lie about how “mysterious” you are.
Photo Credit: |
So, let’s face facts. Who are we playing?
This is not an Anti- trump, pro- Hilary effort:
(even though it seems that way)
(even though it seems that way)
yes, I would prefer that the latter powerhouse who
is moving at shaking the global conversation at
70 be the winner in an election for
the commander in chief of a "free world":
Photo Credit: |
Not only because she is a woman,
and I am a feminist.
and I am a feminist.
from an honest glance at a world that may have
lost its right to address itself as “free” in
contemporary times,
thanks to
police violence,
thanks to
police violence,
economic crisis, climate change,
corruption and individualism.
corruption and individualism.
Photo credit: |
Hence, there exists a need for an "easy going"
approach in its leadership.
You really don’t need
You really don’t need
a person who stands in front of a people with bills to pay,
personal problems and grievances and
says some dumb shit like:
(and, no I am not making this up).
(and, no I am not making this up).
1. “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter,
perhaps I’d be dating her.
(Me: Whaaaat? )
3. It’s freezing and snowing in New York
– we need global warming!”Donald Trump.
4. I dealt with Gaddafi. I rented him a piece of land.
He paid me more for one night than the land
was worth for two years, and then
I didn't let him use the land.
That's what we should be doing.
I don't want to use the word
but I screwed him.
- Donald Trump.
5. All of the women on The Apprentice
flirted with me – consciously
or unconsciously.
That’s to be expected.”
Donald Trump.
Photo Credit: Political Cartoons 6. I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” Donald Trump. |
Photo Credit: Direct Ezine 7. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.” Donald Trump. 8. You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass. - Donald Trump. |
both inside and out.
I fully understand why her former
husband left her for a man –
he made a good decision.” Donald Trump.
10. “Robert Pattinson should not take
back Kristen Stewart.
She cheated on him like a dog
& will do it again – just watch.
He can do much better!” Donald Trump
11. Stop the EBOLA patients from entering the U.S.
Treat them, at the highest level, over there.
Donald Trump.
Sorry. No.
Photo Credit: Citinova |
After listening to these things the man said,
you'd wonder who would vote for him, right?
I was one of you until I met real Trump supporters;
not hillbilly Ku Klux klan members,
as I would have expected;
but co-workers, when I asked their
but co-workers, when I asked their
opinion on the election.
Their answers would surprise me.
80% of them, were voting for Trump.
Photo Credit: The Morderatemo |
Another percentage of the parents whose children we
teach are pro-Trump.
First, I was disappointed, then I realized
I can’t be mad at them.
First, I was disappointed, then I realized
I can’t be mad at them.
They have the same constitutional right to
choose their leader, and whatever their
reasons are, it is their choice.
Do you like coffee? Mary prefers tea.
Jon thick girls, Kevin models. We can all coexist.
So, don’t wait for shit to hit the fan.
All those big mistakes you made in your past are YOUR fault.
Not your evil boss, you crazy landlady
or your asshole ex-boyfriend.
Facts. Truth is, You are the driver of your car of life.
Don't let this be one of those mistakes you
want to blame on someone else. Have you an itch?
Scratch it.
Don't assume that a god will
Don't assume that a god will
appear do it for you.
Go out and vote.
Go out and vote.
It takes 5 minutes.
Sahndra Fon Dufe | @sahndrafondufe
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