Thursday, October 27, 2016


                                    Hello Queens, its been quite a minute! 
Your girl has been mad busy! 
So many things happening at this end!
 In other news, I am turn 27 tomorrow. 
(I am officially in my late twenties)
iPhone 6S Camera selfie.

But enough about me! Its Throwbackthursday!
Let's Throw back to this article I wrote last month
that was  published by the
Ankara Magazine in September.


Labeled by French Elle Magazine as the
African “Sex & The City”, “An African City”,
is an exciting web series about five young
women who relocate from the diaspora to the motherland.

The show hit an impressive 1 million views
on Youtube shortly after its release, and was
recently highlighted in Ebony Magazine
for the fashion-forward ankara-print pieces
featured on the show.  
Its title depicts its setting; in this
case the “ african city” refers to Accra,
the capital of the Gold Coast (Ghana).

With Actress Esosa (Ngozi), from the show.
Call it what you may, but I am going
with The Urban African Girl Survival
Kit as it blatantly depicts issues that the
metropolitan African girl experiences,
in a world where she is expected to
meet unreasonable cultural standards,
irrespective of the detail that
she is emerging economically, socially,
and yes! Even sexually.
With Actress Nana Yaa and Constance Ejuma.
Here are 3 conversations that need to be
had, based on my favorite episodes in season 1!
Two sentences for you: goodbye fictional expectations!
Hello culture shock!

In Episode 2 of An African City,
Nana Yaa struggles to find an apartment.
In conversation with her girls on the costly
nature of such a venture, her sexually-free
friend Sade aka sugar baby advises her to get
a sugar daddy in order to afford not only a posh place,
but also to enjoy countless trips to Dubai,
expensive purses and the crème de la crème of life.

According to a study done by the BBC,
a quarter of a million students in the
United Kingdom now have sugar daddies.
Popular Sugar daddy app, “Seeking Arrangement”,
boasts of a 40% increase in users in the last year.
While this seems shocking at face value, in practice,
it is becoming the new reality, thanks to high rates of unemployment and insatiable greed.
Zainab in Mina Evans | Episode 11

Problem is, you’re not always “madam at the top”,
to “oga at the top”, aka Aladji sugar uncle.  
Most times, he has a wife, or numerous
other sugar babies like you.
When a man is financially responsible
for every single bill of yours, including
your $500,000 / year apartment, like Sade,
you may think you “own him” because
your ‘lady parts’ feel so good, and
he can’t get enough; but you must
realize that in actuality, he sees
you as one juicy ‘bang’ in a sea of
seasoned ‘bangs’; nothing more.

Ngozi in Chemphe Bea

The moment a tighter ‘bang’ comes his way,
your contract is over baby girl! Remember
even Halle Berry, and Jennifer Lopez
have been dumped. What about you?
My advice to you? Work for your own
apartment like Nana Yaa. It might take a
little more time, effort and heartbreak,
but it’s worth it. It would be yours.
No one can take it away from you.
Except death… but we all know that
would happen one day, right? :)
So get it together Queen!
Summary: Your vagina is not a bank. Your brains are. Think wisely. #nosugardaddy.


French designer Yves Saint Laurent
has been quoted to say, “ Fashions fade, style is eternal”.
Your style, indeed speaks before you do.
 It is an extension of you and should
be taken more seriously than
following this trend or that.   
Be true to you and ahead of the trend!
Makena in Studio 89 Ghana | Episode 8

It’s for this reason that the fashion
on ‘An African City’ is something
not only to write home about, but also to
talk about to your extended cousins
and their goats!

It is the first time an African show
has consciously had the audacity to
glorify ankara porn, and we love it!
Oulala! It’s all about ankara patterns,
gallant cuts, vibrant colors, and distinct shapes!
Lawd! I want to snatch all their clothes.
Nana in Christine Mhando

It is, of course in close collaboration with prolific
African stylists and designers.
Some of my favorite looks include
the hippie caftan by Studio 89 Ghana
that Makena rocks on episode 8.
Zainab’s doll dress by Mina Evans
also stands out in Episode 11.

Ngozi stuns in this Chemphe Bea dress,
and Nana’s Christine Mhando
statement outfit is everything!

On that note, your makeup needs to be on fleek.
A general tip includes keeping the
shade of your foundation close to your skin tone.
Otherwise, you may invite the
shade room into your business.
Summary: Be ahead of the trend. #Wenodeycarrylast.


On Episode 9, Sade, Ngozi and Zainab go on a date with some members of parliament and are shocked that such educated men think some women who look ‘clean’ must be free of STDs, while others who look ‘unclean’ must have STDs.

This is quite laughable, one would think, but sadly it is true.

In a study by Psychology Today,
23.4% of participants had misjudged
people based on their appearance.
Ladies, we’ve all met that
guy who tried to raw dog because you looked ‘clean’.

Of course, you wonder how many
other ‘clean’ girls they say  that to. AIDS is real.
STDs are real, and some have no cure.

Some sit on you like a tattoo for life. #Herpes.
So, clean or unclean, use a condom or abstain from sex.
Summary:  A person’s STD status can only be known through a test, not witchcraft or imagination! So, use condoms, and abstain. ;) That part. #notestnolove.

An African City elevates what our
perfect squad goals should be.
The characters create time for each other
every episode to catch up with gym routines,
dinner, drinks, gossip about life,
love, work, sex and Twi porn! (I am not kidding).
On a parallel note, create time to spend with your girls!
The healthy ones who want to see you win!
Spritz up! Drink some wine,
spoil yourself and laugh.
After all, what is life without
friends and good conversation?
Support each other! Especially other Sisters,
who are ditching that easy life to make their own bread.
‘An African City’ exalts enjoying
your 20’s with your girlfriends, and so do I.


Lady boss, You can trust your employees

or subordinates at work to do their job properly.

Don’t weird them out a la hawk stare,

but relax and be a good leader,

leading of course by example,

delegating and healthy overseeing.

Trust me, it's not only healthy but more productive.



Post sex is meant for cuddling,
not making demands!

Speak up your mind to your boyfriend,
when he is being a pain in the ‘derriere’.
No, don’t yell or impose,
but gently mention it, during hint* hint*
smart up your post sex game.

This is Sade’s advice to Makena,
who desperately
wants to convince her boyfriend to spice
up their repetitive dates.

Many women assume this is the
way to go when you
want something from your man but
I say don’t rely on your V to
do the work for you!

In relationships, sometimes
‘awkward shit’ comes up.
Breathe in, like a G and just make
your demand or ask your question.
Since when did your vagina
become ministry of negotiation?

Queen Remmie reading the article.

Remember, to find yourself through
all this madness and remain humble!

Sahndra Fon Dufe.

Watch the Show Here: 

An African City - YouTube

Watch Season 2 Here:

An African City - VHX

“Just make your absence felt…”

“ We've heard you!
New Video Blogs
              Coming (Back) Soon…”

#oldseason:  W A T C H - H E R E:

W I N - o u r- S O U B A - P i l l o w : #thatsoubalife

#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H:)

   S U B M I T - Y O U R - P R O D U C T - F O R - R E V I E W - H E R E :
Subject: Blog Review |
#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H

W I N - o u r- S O U B A - P i l l o w : #thatsoubalife


Ha ha ha | There is way more where this came from
R E A D or W A T C H
M y
A r t i c l e s,
a n d - o r
V I D E O S | o n S n a p c h a t ( @sahndrafondufe) + Y o u t u b e
[S u b s c r i b i n g - i s - F r e e- o-o ] 👈🏾
T h e n
T h e
CONVERSATION . . . | Please Leave Comments Below + S U B S C R I B E
i Y o u  q u e e n s - so - so much | #souba
R e m a i n - Y o u n g - E m p o w e r e d - F o c u s e d- O r i g i n a l - N u r t u r i n g

#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H
Shop my Store: | #iamyefon
Sahndra Fon Dufe

      A r e - Y o u - o n - S o c i a l - M e d i a - Q U E E N?
       L e t 's C o n n e c t - G i r l !!!


W E - A R E - T W E E T I N G - G I R L -

W E - F O L L O W- B A C K :

D A I L Y - Q U E E N - T I P S : @sahndrafondufe D M :)

D A I L Y- S N A P- D E V O T I O N : @sahndrafondufe

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