For as long as we live, people are going to tell us that we can't do this, or we can't be that.
We should try this instead of that...
We should say a instead of b....
And why are there all these rules?
Because we are afraid...
of what we do not know... of we don't understand... of what we feel we can't control
and so, we stay ''limited'' because we want to be ''safe''.
I'll like to use a quote that Halle Berry says often on her new TV Show.
''No Risk, No Results''.
What does this mean to you?
It means that if you want big results, you must be willing to run big risks*
It s that simple. Nothing good comes easy.
If you take a short cut, you will receive short cut results....
Think of any inspirational black woman you can think of... read their story. The one thing you would see over and over is ''courage''. They knew it would be dangerous... they knew the path ahead was going to difficult or uncertain, but they went on that path either ways, because they weren't afraid.
Fear is the beginning of your end, my sister.
And think about it, what is the worst case scenario.
When you answer that question, you would realize that all this while, you were afraid of nothing.
IF YOU Don't yet have an answer to the question: ''WHY AM I HERE''?
Stop reading this post, think about it.... and don't stop thinking about it until you have an answer.
There comes a time, when you come to the realization that life doesn't have to be ''complicated'' because people say so.
YOUR Life should be, and can be simple, happy and filled with nothing but amazing memories.
The beautiful thing about it all is that, You HAVE THE CHOICE.
We always do.
On that note,
I love you all.
Have a wonderful week.
''People will tell you that you must do things a certain way. Feel free to say No.''- Sahndra Fon Dufe
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