Tuesday, August 2, 2016



In This #AugustChallenge,
nominate Yourself and a close to
drop a (small)  bad habit.

Photography By Mathew Takes

Dear Afrikan ,
Happy Month of August  a.k.a
Leo and Virgo season!
The birth month to yummy muvas  

Hint* Hint* The Summer is almost Over!
I could indulge you to rock that peach off-shoulder
From Zara and
relish your last days of
beach  tanning ,
I could invite you to my August Challenge,
where I (politely) invite you to drop
and nominate your close to join you...

Photo Credit : Bobo Majitla Instagram
Photo for Penda Wear
We all know Beyonce lied when
she sang about the "flawless" concept.
Everything is flawed, including you and I.
 This challenge is an effort to
improve our personalities,
by handling one small flaw
at a time so as to avoid a
hot mess of never ending flaws.

So are you ready?


Photography By Matthew Takes

  • a List of four or five bad flaws you secretly acknowledge that you need to work on, to become a better person!
  • If in doubt, consult your  over a nice  
  • Truthfully, you don't need to ask anyone. You know yourself. *Consider the examples below:

*Disclaimer these examples are only used for demonstration.

  1. I want to lose 5 pounds this month. 39.6% people planned to lose weight as one of their 2016 resolutions according to Huffington Post.
  2. I want to stop shopping online; save the money and pay off my collection debts. According to that same article, 30.1 % of people planned to save more and spend less . Another 27.5% planned to pay down all their debt.
  3. I want to stop talking to this fuckboy. Hopefully, I can wean myself off him, somehow?  Psychology Today reports a 70% involvement in casual sex among 18-25-year-olds.
  4. I want to stop spending all my time on Instagram. This CNN article mentions that young people spend up to 9 hours on Social media daily.


Sample Mantra
  • Pick only ONE flaw that you will get rid of this August! No one is saying you cannot successfully achieve more than one,  but, let's be safe than sorry!
  • Here is a HINT: Pick your most URGENT flaw: e.g, the Instagram Addiction, aka instadiction.


Sample Diary Entry
  • Write a truthful essay to yourself, explaining why your habit is bad, and why you must change it!
  • Be truthful.
  • PS: No one has to see it! It can be your little secret!


An example of how you can re-word your mantra to perfection.
  • Edit and rewrite your mantra carefully; checking for accuracy.
  • Shorten, erase and replace with synonyms if need be.
  • Remove all promissory words. Replace them with affirmative action words.
  • Put your mantra in the present tense.
  • Don't rush yourself! Look at it, over and over until it is perfect! SHORT, SWEET, and CLEAR!
Art By Benbi Ayenda.


Sample Solution List.
  • Brainstorm on some practical solutions that can help eradicate this flaw of yours.
  • Your plan should eliminate distractions.


  • Repeat your mantra to yourself over 10 times!
  • Tell yourself that you can do this.   Your 30-day challenge starts now!


Art Bt Benbi Ayenda.
  • Then, pick a COACH who you trust to check in with you every Friday this month.
  • I recommend that you choose a person who is very supportive of your progress, and equally dependable.
  • You can choose a BFF, good friend, co-worker, relative, boo thang, or whomever you'd prefer.
  • Remember, you must check in with them with weekly updates, hurdles, slips and wins.
Art By Benbi Ayenda.

  • Nominate your coach to join the challenge!
  • She will, in turn, nominate some new person and the challenge continues!
  • We must win and grow together!

  • Buy a beautiful journal.
  • Document your progress report daily.
  • Choose a set time, e.g 7pm daily.
  • Set daily reminders on your to remind you at 7pm.   Your 30 day challenge starts now! 👈🏾 👈🏾 👈🏾

Art By Benbi Ayenda
  • Call your coach every Friday and give them details.Also, ask them how their challenge is going.
  • Tell them if you cheated. Be honest with yourself.
  • Set daily reminders in your to randomly remind you during the day.   Your 30-day challenge starts now👈🏾 👈🏾 👈🏾

Achieve your challenge in 30 days👈🏾 ! Share your success with your coach and friends. Share it with us too, and with the world, using our hashtag #augustchallenge.

Photography By Matthew Takes
Take a little break, and pick a new problem!
In a year, review your progress!
You may have knocked out up to 6 flaws
of yours and become a better human being!

Let's go!

#Augustchallenge | 👈🏾
PS: Join the conversation! Leave your comments! Share! Tweet! RT! :) Thanks*


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#oldseason:  W A T C H - H E R E:

W I N - o u r- S O U B A - P i l l o w : #thatsoubalife

#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H:)

S U B M I T - Y O U R - P R O D U C T - F O R - R E V I E W - H E R E :
Subject: Blog Review |
#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H 

W I N - o u r- S O U B A - P i l l o w : #thatsoubalife


Ha ha ha | There is way more where this came from
R E A D or W A T C H
M y
A r t i c l e s,
a n d - o r
V I D E O S  | o n S n a p c h a t ( @sahndrafondufe) + Y o u t u b e  
[S u b s c r i b i n g - i s - F r e e- o-o ] 👈🏾
T h e n
T h e
CONVERSATION . . . | Please Leave Comments Below + S U B S C R I B E
    Y o u  q u e e n s - so - so much | #souba 
R e m a i n - Y o u n g - E m p o w e r e d - F o c u s e d- O r i g i n a l - N u r t u r i n g

#snagmystyle, photographs, or Quotes, but please give Credit.
The Sahndra has an H 
 Shop my Store: #iamyefon
Sahndra Fon Dufe

       A r e - Y o u - o n - S o c i a l - M e d i a - Q U E E N?
        L e t 's C o n n e c t - G i r l !!!   

S U B S C R I B E - 

L I K E - M Y- P A G E - 

 W E - A R E - T W E E T I N G - G I R L -
W E - F O L L O W- B A C K : 
 D A I L Y - Q U E E N - T I P S : @sahndrafondufe D M :)
 D A I L Y- S N A P- D E V O T I O N : @sahndrafondufe

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