Saturday, May 28, 2016


Two posts ago, I wrote about the 
Subconscious mind...
and had a few of you revved up, somewhat.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

I received a few 
comments in my inbox 
as well questions like
"Well, How do I clear my subconscious mind?"

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So, I thought about it. 
Of course, 
IT will be
a long process, 
I imagine
Photo Credit: Pinterest
However here is a good 
place to start.

Please read these 
lines carefully

" Dear Parents and Future 


Your child is a young 

adult and not a dog"...

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 Whoa! You are probably asking
yourself if I am going crazy.
I promise I am not.
Here is the theory.


Many parents while trying to "train"
their children use "control"
in the same types of ways that a
dog's master trains it.

They 'seduce' the child by offering 'treats' for 
'good' behavior, and do all these things
'for the child's own good',
without ever consulting their child.


But hear this, the same type of Law that
applies to an adult, is the same type of Law that
applies to a child.

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ADULT feels they are 
being 'abused' when slapped 
in the face and hauled 
by a stronger ''bully', 
CHILD feels the same way.

Photo Credit: Pinterest
ADULT hates being told what 
to do with their personal 
property e.g shoes, 
or money, CHILD hates being
 told what to do with 
his Toys.

ADULT hates to be forced 
to do things.
 They prefer to be 
CHILD hates to be forced. 
Prefers to be communicated with. 

Get it?

Pic Credit:

You are about to say to me: 

'This girl has been corrupted by the 
whiteman's liberalism!
Were you not beaten up? Or forced to 
do this for your own good?

Photo Credit: Pinterest

And you are right. I was. And I could 
say the say the same thing:

'Were some people not once slaves?
Were albinos not once killed?
Were twins not once sacrificed?
Was man not once naked?

- Does it make it right? -

Photo Credit: Pinterest

" Tradition is a beautiful thing

But when it is a cause to an

Even bigger problem: 

a negative mark in one's 

subconscious mind,

it should be eliminated.

*Clear your subsconscious mind 

and create new agreements


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You must be wondering how beating

up your child or not asking his opinion

 could cause a problem.

Photo Credit: Pinterest.

Let me explain:


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Because it is his life. One day, he will become an adult
like YOU and will have to make decisions. 
Start young, so that he has experience with it, 
and develops excellent decision-making skills.

Because when you force him, you get the exact opposite
reaction: CHAOS | REVOLT.
Have you ever met a preacher's child?
Or a psycologist's child?
Some of them turn out okay, but MOST are the opposite.
Even the bible, tells us not to be too indulgent
with our children (young adults).

Also, speak to your child like a young adult not a dog.

Some of those 'boo boo baa baa' sounds have just got to go.



Through a mature conversation with lots of  
two way communication.
E.g: You want to child to take piano lessons.

You: Hey buddy, would you like to take piano lessons so you can play like daddy?
Child: That would be awesome!

 What if his answer was  NO! I hate piano

Then you would say:

You: That is alright. What would you prefer to learn instead?
Child: Can I just play instead?
You: I know you would like that, but school requires you to learn an extracurricalar activity to keep your grades up. Don't you want to keep your grades up?
Child : I do.
You: Well, how about piano?
Child: Okay. Its just that I am no good at it.
You: That's alright. You can try it out for a month okay. If it doesn't work out, we can see what else you can learn. Is that okay?
Child: Yes

What if his answer was  NO! I hate piano

Artist: Anouk tekent.

You: Well, what would you prefer?
Child: Swimming. Like my cousin Rex!

You: That's alright. We can try it too.

Years later, he turns to be a Michael Phelps, and other parents tell you how "lucky you are''.

Get it? You let him make his choice, in an intelligent two- way conversation, without bribe or fuss. 



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1. Your child becomes more 'Independent'.
In contrast, with the child who has all 

his decisions made for him. E.g vocabulary, 

decision-making, responsibility etc.

2. Your child's subconscious mind doesn't

brood ' revolt' 'riot'.

In contrast, with the child who has all decisons

forced on him.


FAST FORWARD to many years later, 

you have one child who

 respects authority because he knows 

how to work with rules and 

respect without losing himself; and other 

who HATES authority

and hates rules. He only wants

 " new" and "alternative".

Photo Credit:

Friends of mine, and any one 

honest enough to yourself.

Do you see any 

resemblance to yourself?


In my early twenties,

I only wanted was 

new or different

irrespective of how 

completely absurd or bad for me it was.

I wasn't aware but subconsciously, 

I was trapped in that 


In 2016, I DO NOT DRIVE; I uber or carpool

everywhere. This is because to me,

Driving has never been a priority.

Don't get me wrong! I have been the 

butt of the driving jokes forever.

I have taken some classes,

owned a CA driving pamphlet,

and even almost bought a car

but somehow, I wasn't able to drive . 

Not until yesterday did I figure out what happened.


Photo credit

It was a small irrelevant conversation I had with 
my father after I finished my Law Degree in 2010.
Me: Dad, I want to learn how to drive.
Dad: Why? It is not a priority. 
Me: But I...
Dad: No, you will learn after.

SIX Years after! That Command is still in my Subconscious mind!
I finally figured it out 
and Now that I identified it,
I am finally about to take my driving test!

I know it is not a big deal to you
but for me, it is SUCH a Tremendous 

Unlocking, and CLEARING our 
Subconscious minds is
a great way to flourish for us. 

This is so that we would be able to act in full Capacity;
drawing (positive)
strengths and doing away with
all (negative) interruptions.  

That being said, let us help our children have 
strong positive memories in theirs.

One good way to do that is by
Allowing them to have a power of choice



In Conclusion,  Remember this as a General Rule:


To me Applies To My Child.

Have a Blissful week!


Sahndra Fon Dufe.

www.sahndrafondufe. com 
Follow on INSTAGRAM | TWITTER| SNAPCHAT : @sahndrafondufe 

Selfie Taken with iPhone 6s.

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